Papua New Guinea Biodiversity and Climate Fund Launches New Funding Call
The Papua New Guinea Biodiversity and Climate Fund has launched a new funding call to support the creation and expansion of Protected Areas in Papua New Guinea, in partnership with the Rainforest Trust.
Under Outcome 1 of the Fund’s Programmatic Objectives the funding call aims to support communities to protect their terrestrial and marine environment as well as support Papua New Guinea to achieve its international targets.
Proposed sites should be currently unprotected (or the proposed expanded area should not be within the current gazette area), and the project proponents commit to achieving and maintaining protected area status. Expressions of Interest are due 9 June 2023.
Papua New Guinea launched its first national, independent Biodiversity and Climate Fund in September 2022, to support present and future generations restore, protect and enhance the country’s biodiversity while driving climate action.
Papua New Guinea is a global biodiversity hotspot. Containing approximately 7% of the world’s biodiversity, it is one of 17 megadiverse countries as defined by the United Nations. Forests cover 60% of the country storing carbon, while its oceans lie in the heart of the Coral Triangle.
The Biodiversity and Climate Fund was established, under a project initiated by the Government of Papua New Guinea’s Conservation and Environment Protection Authority, in partnership with UNDP.
Funded by the Global Environment Facility, the process has drawn on stakeholder engagement and the application of global best practices for such innovative financing instruments.
#biodiversity #climatefund #carbonstorage